- Industry:
- Culture
- Client:
- Medietilsynet
- Period:
- 2017-2018
- Category:
- Brand Strategy
- Brand Positioning
- Brand Architecture
- Brand Experience
- Brand Identity
- Motion Design
- Related projects:
- Vipps
- Sparebanken Møre
- Matstreif
- Techstep
Medietilsynet was facing a set of challenges. Changes in the medias were creating new demands with the entry of new technologies and user patterns. New expectations from the government meant the agency had to become a more visible, relevant participant in the media field. Their existing strategy was also facing an end date. They needed a partner to design a process and facilitate the development of the strategy for the following years. SDG was chosen to do this important task. With the development of the new strategy, there was also a pressing need arising for a visual identity equipped with the appropriate tools to communicate the strategy and make it happen.
Together with Medietilsynet we designed a process based on workshops and involvement throughout the organisation. The strategy was developed in a sprint fashion with prototyping and iterations, successively moving towards the final result.
The visual identity concept is built around a people centric logo; representing the individual being protected and enlightened by Medietilsynet, and a system representing important functions of the agency. Through complimentary identity colours and animated rollover states, a set of illustrated identity photos plays with the use of overlay functions to talk about the importance of transparency, diversity, revealing the truth, being able to navigate content and making it available.
By the end of the journey, we had developed a strategy everyone not just understood, but also stood up for. It represented a new way of seeing the agency mission that they believed in, felt connected to and inspired to carry out. Together with the visual identity it gave Medietilsynet the necessary tools it needed to carry out it’s mission for the years to come, and to have the tools they needed to both reposition and defend their stand as an important participant in the field of media.
Promoting public dialogue, critical understanding and freedom of speech
The Norwegian Media Authority (Medietilsynet) is a government agency whose primary task is to ensure media diversity and promote critical understanding and use of media. They distribute licences for radio and tv, supervise national broadcasters and contribute to the protection of children from harmful media influences.
- Brand Strategy
- Brand Positioning
- Brand Architecture
- Brand Experience
- Brand Identity
- Motion Design