Playful Learning for our Next Generation
Aftenposten Junior
    • Industry:
    • Education
    • Client:
    • Schibsted
    • Period:
    • 2022
    • Category:
    • Brand Identity
    • Illustration
    • Digital

New identity, digital design, and brand strategy for Aftenposten Junior Skole — Norway’s news and school portal for kids and younger people. We developed a cohesive design and illustration system featuring gender-neutral characters that will guide and teach the new generation in an engaging and playful manner. This design work directly responds to the needs of the target group and leverages the increasing importance of digital interactions in our educational system. The brand spans both digital and printed media.

Aftenposten Junior

Playful Learning for our Next Generation

New identity, digital design, and brand strategy for Aftenposten Junior Skole — Norway’s news and school portal for kids and younger people. We developed a cohesive design and illustration system featuring gender-neutral characters that will guide and teach the new generation in an engaging and playful manner. This design work directly responds to the needs of the target group and leverages the increasing importance of digital interactions in our educational system. The brand spans both digital and printed media.

  • Brand Identity
  • Illustration
  • Digital
Illustrasjoner 3
Illustrasjoner 2
Illustrasjoner 1
Salgsside 4
Salgsside 2
Illustrasjoner 4
Maskot 1